About The Life Stages of a Dandelion: Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are remarkable for their resilience and unique life cycle. This puzzle captures the distinct stages in a dandelion's life, from bright yellow blossoms to fluffy seedheads, all nestled in lush green foliage. The life cycle of a dandelion begins as a rosette of leaves, which spread flat on the ground, gathering sunlight and nutrients. Soon, a flower bud emerges from the center, growing into a vivid yellow bloom. These bright, sunflower-like blossoms are made up of numerous tiny florets, each capable of producing its own seed. As the flower matures, it transitions into its iconic seedhead, also known as a "puffball." The flower closes and the florets transform into seeds, each attached to a delicate, feathery parachute-like structure known as a pappus. When the puffball is fully formed, it opens, exposing the seeds to the wind. This wind dispersal mechanism allows dandelions to spread across wide areas, ensuring their persistence. The cycle concludes as these seeds land in new soil, and under the right conditions, begin the process again. Dandelions are perennials, meaning this life cycle repeats yearly, making them one of the most recognizable and persistent plants in lawns and meadows alike. // Image Credit: DailyJigsawPuzzles.net
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